Monday, March 28, 2011

Eyeing the Things that Count

What would you do if your needs were catered for, for a whole year?

You must agree most of us are occupied everyday in what we call work but more often than not we are just on the paper chase. We are looking for money to cater for our needs and more money to make life easier, and more money so that we can afford a few luxuries. And that is okay.

Most people in my generation are concerned with amassing wealth for ourselves. We want it big, we want to make a statement, we want to be on the top of the pyramid, we want to be up there. And that too is okay.

What happened to calling? What happened to service? 

The other Saturday I had a whole day with high school students in a boys school in Murang’a. And as we were doing an afternoon session, which I was teaching about attitude, I realized no one wants to be a teacher, or a shepherd of the people of God. And as much as no one gave a reason for that, it is evidence we have lost the sense of calling. Where people would give their lives out to serve the community and leave a mark in the lives of many generations. That is not found in us anymore. 

We don’t mind serving the community so long as they compensate for hostile conditions and provide 4 by 4 for us to ride on, no wonder we have enough NGO’s. But I wonder who they are serving more; themselves or the communities.

And as life tends to do, not all of us get to become the doctors we dreamed about, and as fate would have, some actually end up becoming teachers. And since most of us are just in OCCUPATION and not following a CALL, you can excuse the state of our current generation. We are occupied all day and night, rushing through life as we try to make ends meet. But is that all; to meet ends?

What would I do for a whole year if all my needs were catered for? I would go for a holiday. Sad as it may sound, but I have realized even when I talk about serving community and blaming my lack of enough resources and time for not doing something in my society, those are just lame excuses. I have no community sense in my heart. I want to serve the community if in doing so I get served. And that explain our leadership crisis. We want to serve our people to be served.

And as I reflect on the state of my life in regards to service, calling and leadership, I can only desire for a complete metamorphosis, to drop self interest and seek to serve where I can and to capture the call in my life. And as I struggle to make ends meet, I will not neglect my part in society to leave this place a little better than I found it. And so I want to get hold of the things that matter. 

Friday, March 25, 2011


Isn't it amazing that this page is available to everyone who gets online and types the correct URL? Isn't it also amazing that if I wrote an email and sent it to working emails, everyone will receive the same email no matter where they are so long as they connect to their mail?

Then why do we still have a scarcity mentality? The thinking that you getting mean me not getting is so outdated. I believe there are resources for all of us, so long as we are connected and positioned right.

Isn't that amazing?

May we all experience abundance and let go of envy and that scarcity mentality that limits us to share and be generous, hoarding resourcess so that we can have more. It doesn't work like that. Give and you will always have more to give. Keep and you shall always be strained as you try to hoard. 

He who refreshes will also be refreshed. And that too is amazing!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Does it scare you that cowards will not inherit the kingdom of God?

This means if you do everything else right; either being driven by fear and after all accomplishment still remain a coward, then you do not have a place in the Kingdom of God.

What is it that you are afraid of? Is it the fear to succeed? Is it the fear to fail? Is it the fear of making mistakes? Is it the fear to try out your idea? Is it the fear to love? Is it the fear to let go? 

Unless you learn to face your fears, you should know your fate by now. We have not been given the spirit of fear or timid, but the spirit of boldness and good courage.

Be strong and of good courage. Start doing that which you are afraid. There is nothing that beats fear than faith. Exercise your faith by taking the first step.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How do you Unwind?

Have you ever been so worked out by things and you feel you just need to see a therapist to off load? Those are the times I miss being a catholic, I would just go for confession and tell the father everything that is bothering me. But I have learnt there is nothing as therapeutic as just chatting with a friend, who listens genuinely and who creates a moment. Regardless of the activity the two of us share, in the end I just feel so refreshed and re-energized. We all need that. 

I was reading the book of Job the other day and I picked out the same. When disaster struck, Job’s friend came and sat with him seven days and seven nights without saying a word, just there with him because they could see his pain. This demonstrates the power of being there with someone and creating a moment. Later Job starts venting ( I like calling it bi**hing though am not allowed to use such words) by cursing the day he was born, asking questions about life and the troubles man faces as he tries to remain blameless. After every chapter or two of venting, we get another chapter of one of his friends trying to sober him up. And this continues for some time.

How do you vent? How do you unwind? How do you release the pressure and the tension you accumulate everyday from work and life? 

I have noted many people have not discovered the need to vent and the ways to do it. When we go back to Job, you will see the way he vents but he doesn’t charge God with any wrongdoings. We also see his friends trying to sober him up so that he doesn’t cross the borders. We also see Job recognizing the sovereignty of God especially when he tells the wife; why are you talking like a foolish woman, should we accept good from God and not trouble? I mean, Job understands God beyond his circumstances and though he vents out in anger and frustrations, he know his life is in God.

Often a time if we are lucky to have friends we can vent out with, we always fall short and cross the boundaries and we end up defiling ourselves. Some friends will go out for drinks and dancing as a way of venting and the find themselves worse off than they were. Some friends will hook up nicely just to turn into a gossip club. It is important to be vigilant.

Other people will not vent at all. They bottle things up inside them and they keep carrying heavy burdens. Life can be tough we all agree, and we don’t have the capacity to carry every load. It is wise we learnt to let go. Find something that allows you to release pressure and tension. It could be a walk in the evening, a sport, a hobby or just a silent moment away from every noise. It could be a chat with a refreshing buddy. It could be jotting down your feelings; It can also be a moment of worship and prayer, where you pour out your heart and your mind to God. Whatever it is, just make sure you have it.

And when life gets tough, always remember that Jesus is asking you to cast all your burdens to him for he cares for you. He carried all our burdens so that we can be free. And when we take up his burden, it easy and his yoke is smooth. 

But never ever bottle up things in your heart. Because according to Job, resentment kills a fool and envy slays the simple. And the wise man in proverb says; bitterness rots the bones. Let go off all bitterness, frustrations and pain, and let God be enough and sufficient for you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where is the power of the cross?

Every time I listen to the song My Jesus by Todd Agnew I always get challenged. Here is part of the lyrics

Which Jesus do you follow? Which Jesus do you serve? If Ephesians says to imitate Christ, then why do you look so much like the world?

If you are on social media or generally in the internet, you will see so many jokes about Jesus and God. I hear nowadays Jesus is black. Others will talk about “What Would Jesus Do?” even when in situations that Jesus would not be in the first place. And as much as some of these initiatives are great, sometimes they just demonstrate the mere lack of the fear of God in our generation.

And back to the Jesus I follow, I have been thinking closely about it. And as I was walking to work yesterday I met an old lady who was looking for the primary school in our estate. And I remember telling her to find the school just behind the mosque. Then I remembered when we were doing geography in primary school and we would recognize a Christian community through a church; which was a building marked with a cross.

Do you know how difficult it is to recognize a church nowadays? From some funny names we call church to the dingy buildings in the name of a place of worship, to the lack of the cross and the funny characters that we call shepherds. And as much as we say church is the heart and not the building, what we see leaves a lot to be desired; both from the building and from the people who are the church. Where is the power of the cross?

I have noticed we have become so casual with God, me included.  God, I know sometimes I act like we are just buddies; I mean you are the most understanding. Your mercies are new everyday and when you forgive, you truly forget. You know am human and human is to error, you know I am busy and trying to be modern, so excuse my few jokes on twitter and on email. It’s not that I am ashamed about you when I don’t share the good news with my friends online, am just avoiding spamming them. And when I attend bedside baptism, you know technology allows us much more than we can imagine. I know you understand. And when I don’t tell people about you it’s because when they watch news on Sunday evening, they get to see what your people have been up to and I don’t want to be associated with them. I know you say I should not conform to the standards of this world, and I am not, I am just trying to survive, to fit in and to be people friendly. I mean, we have to give people their space. Just keep understanding. The story can go on and on..

And as I keep on thinking about the kind of Christian I have been, I desire that God may give me a meaty heart; the heart that will walk in the fear of God, shunning evil and hiding his word deep inside so that I may not sin against him. To be transformed by the renewal of my mind. Not to fear persecution when I defend the truth. And demonstrate the power of the cross in my life in every aspect and not to be a religious freak but a real human being.

I pray that I will be willing to pay the cost for following Jesus and to carry the cross daily. Not to fulfill religious obligations, but to be a man of higher standards and a quality lifestyle powered by the Holy Spirit. And when the world looks at me, may they see the power of the Cross!

And when I listen to Todd Agnew I will be confident to declare that I follow Jesus the son of God, and not only will I say, but I will be demonstrating it with my life, and for sure I will not be ashamed that I don't look like the world.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Suddenly.... takes a long time

Have you ever seen a tree?
With big ripe fruits?
Ready to eat?

What did you think?
Oh! What a nice tree!
Offering something
For the stomach

Certainly not this!
Once a seed
Had to grow
Give birth, and

The next time you see a tree, 
With big ripe fruits, 
Ready to eat,
Suddenly…takes a long time

Friday, March 18, 2011

Making it Special

When I was three weeks old, my mother run back into the house from the communal water tank in the slum after some women told her she could kill me by laying me on my back as I sleep. She could not have imagined having killed her child out of ignorance. But I wouldn’t have blamed her, I was her first child and she was only twenty with no one to help as such.

When I was four months, I had a severe attack of meningitis and am told the doctor said I didn’t have much chance to live and if I did, I would have a damaged brain. Now that am alive, I just need to verify the part for a damaged brain.
When I was seven months, I got measles two months before the vaccination. The ward at Kenyatta was crowded, with mothers spending their nights on the floor as they watch on their babies. The two kids next to our bed on either side died. My life was spared.
I was a sickly kid, who cried all the time and at times especially when my younger brother was born; I was only one and half years old, I would be taken to my aunts just so that my parents can have a break.
When I was six as we were playing in the grassland in the Ngong forest, a black mamba almost bit me, luckily someone spotted it as it approached me and hit its head. When I was ten during the December holiday, another snake almost did the same luckily my dad was with me to kill it.
When I was a teenager, I run away from home severally and attempted suicide more than once. I passed that too. And many other times when I was so sick and I got healed, and times when God has watched over my life and preserved it without my knowledge.
So, today as I celebrate my birthday, I look behind and see the faithfulness of God. And as I look to the future I believe it will be great and glorious. And for my birthday, I want nothing more than a grateful heart. That is how I want to make it special.
Thank you God for this far that you have brought me, I can face tomorrow, because I am with you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

God the mum and God the dad

Now if you grew up in the rural area and raised by a housewife or a peasant farmer as we intelligently refer to them, you can bear me witness that mama was ever there, for almost everything. I can’t remember any day we didn’t have mum at home. There was no day she was ever on leave. And so we kind of got used to having her as a sign of security. On the other hand, dad used to work in the big city and he would come every Saturday and leave on Sunday.

Having gotten used to mum, my younger brother and I would eagerly wait for my dad from noon on Saturdays, because we knew he would arrive anytime from then and we would get a packet of malaika biscuit. Some days he would come early but most times would come so late and we would be so mad, but on sighting him, all the anger would melt and we would run towards him and jump all over him in gladness. There are times because of work commitments he would miss coming on a particular weekend and we would be sad especially if we didn’t know in advance. You can imagine waiting on him all day, preparing your taste buds for malaika biscuits and fried meat for supper just to miss. It was very disappointing.

I must say we were naughty boys just like every other boy, and mum would beat us almost every day. And I remember sometimes we would get so angry and wish our mum was dead. (You can forgive us we were just foolish and young). At times after a thorough beating, we would tell mum that we will tell on her when dad comes. And she would dare us to. We never would.

Now I remember there were occasions my mum would be late to come back home and we would get so scared and we would not enter the house in fear of darkness. This rarely happened but when it did, we would start crying and praying that our mum may come back. All of a sudden we would imagine what if she left not to come back again? Or if she got an accident and got hurt? Or died? Or a big hyena ate her? And we would cry and start praying. We would tell God that if she comes back alive, we will be good boys. We would not imagine life without our mother. And on sighting her shadow at the gate, we would run so fast, happy to see her again and we would relieve her of her luggage. Of course we never kept our part of the deal with God.

They used to say a parent is a second god. And I relate to that fully, but on thinking about my parents and God I found out something interesting. My mum is the ‘god’ who is with you every day, keen to discipline you, ready to be your friend and help you out every day, and who makes sure your life runs smoothly. But because of the unconditional love and the availability we would so often get used to her, and at times we would despise her on her face. Taking her for granted until the day she gets late to come home and we just can’t imagine life without her.

Dad is the ‘god’ who we interact on weekends. Who we would look forward to because he come with gifts, and since he is never there all week, we can manage to stage a good mannered boy, and even when mum would complain that we have become naughty, dad would not get any evidence of it. We would do everything mum wants and dad would think we are a set of angels. 

And thinking about it I see the same thing at times when am interacting with God, just that he can see everything. During the week I will struggle to keep my relationship with God because I will feel like He is demanding too much out of me, adding on discipline issues and me managing my daily affairs the way He want. I don’t want a God who is meticulous and detailed. It can be tiring.
I want a weekend God, who I can dress for on Sunday and behave like a saint yet I have been a naughty boy. I want a God who comes with gifts, who we can have an intense moment then he will be off on his way to work on Sunday evening and I will have the week to myself. I want that God. 

But who am I lying to? I couldn’t handle a dark house without mum around, the same way I can't handle a dark moment without God, and so I will have to drop my fantasy, which I have played along. And God I am sorry. For I know you want to be God the mum and God the dad to me, to be with me all week and even more during weekends. That I may involve you in all I do, and when you discipline me, I should delight in your corrections, I should long for intense community interactions on Sunday without watering down my daily experience with you. 

God help me….

You are God the mum and God the dad to me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So What?

Life becomes so structured at times it’s boring; like waking up on Monday and waking up on Tuesday. Why can’t the weekend start on Monday? And talk of weekends, I actually at times can’t tell the difference between a weekday and a weekend, because I will have to wake up early every day, I will have to work harder everyday and I will struggle to wake up every day. There is no easy day to just relax and do nothing.

And I love doing nothing.

Life has become so stretching we all wish a day had 48 hours. We wish a day or two could be added to the weekend or a few hours to the night at least so that we can have a chance to finish a dream. But we are stuck with 24hrs a day and seven days a week with loads and loads of work and responsibilities being put upon our shoulders every day. What do we do?

One thing I have learnt over time is that I cannot manage time. I mean 24 hours are just 24 hours. So I have learnt to manage events. Within my 24 hrs I have different events that I need to participate in. Waking up is the first event. It takes four snoozes. That adds up to 20 minutes. Then I have breakfast, devotion, walking to work, checking mails and replying, setting the other events for the day and the list goes on and on. This means I have to manage all my events so that my 24hrs may accommodate all my events. And don’t forget sleeping is also another event that I used to ignore, but nowadays I don’t.

The thing is, life is not getting any easier, but each day much more is required from me. And so I have to decide which events in my daily schedule that are a must do and I give them priority. I also have to remember those events that seem unnecessary yet they are the backbone of my whole being, like a moment of prayer or meditation or rest, which I easily ignore because I can’t leave the house without brushing my teeth but I do often rush out and tell God, I will catch you soon. And before long, the day slips away and as I lay my head later in the evening, I mumble some words in the name of prayer. I am that pathetic at times. God forgive me.

Beyond the events of our days are the expectations from different people. A client wants her report by midday, a friend want you to meet in the evening for something serious, the blog is waiting for the daily post and yeah your wife is also waiting for you to give her the required attention. This means your daily events are tied up to expectations that you have to decide if you are going to meet or not. That is a major consideration too.

And as I plan my day, I have often learnt to ask myself ‘SO WHAT?’ as a measure of priority and meaning. It’s so easy to be busy and tired and when you look at all what you have been doing, it doesn’t add much value to life and thus a waste of both energy and opportunity. 

And when I feel like doing nothing (obviously after the ‘so what?’ evaluation), I will bum all day, or take a break or even just switch off the phone. And if you are still in the paradigm of pleasing everyone; you are in big trouble. Because at times you just have to say no to people. 

Its time this event ends, I have expectations to meet and 24 hrs to stretch. Catch you soon when we are participating in the same event!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Many ways of killing a cat
You can strangle with a mat
Use a poisoned rat
Or hit with a bat.

All with purpose
Is all I suppose

The process to the production
The journey to the destination
Without stagnation
Embracing migration
To conquer the nations
Is not imaginations

No short cut
For the core to cut
To kill the cat.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What is my Cut?

If you are in business you know how difficult it can be especially when you have people asking what their cut is before they give you business. It’s a crazy mess. In deed the world is trading with the souls of men. When you hear Jesus ask the worth of a man gaining the world and losing his soul, He knew exactly what he was talking about.

I am not here to talk about business though, I was just thinking about the cut issue and I developed a thought process that I want to share.

If indeed all we have belongs to God, our lives, our dreams and our plans, what is His cut? I mean, it is so easy to go around in our endeavors and forget to involve God. Yet He desires to partner with us in all we do. Today I was listening to a paralyzed woman give a testimony. She was saying that at times she is so tired with life and with being helpless and being on the wheel chair. But she has learnt it is not her life. So when she is tired she prays and tells God. “God, today I have no strength, give me your strength to carry on today”. When she doesn’t feel happy, she would pray and say, God today I want to wear your smile, coz I have none of my own.

In pain and in joy, God wants his cut in all you are doing. What is God’s cut in your time, your money, your life? God wants to do business with you, and he doesn't just need a cut, He wants everything it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Am I?

While editing my life a few weeks ago, I thought about my childhood dreams. The kind of life I had dreamt I would live. I asked myself a lot of questions. One of the major question was 'what would I tell God about my life if I died and went to heaven?. This question disturbed me a lot. What is it that would be of interest to God? What is it that would tickle him on a Saturday afternoon beside the river of life as I narrate my life on earth? I then realized my life would be boring, without major events to celebrate about as such, or even with anything worthy telling Him, but just that which concerns me, myself and I. And I decided to change that, and shifted my focus on who I was becoming. I wanted to write a different story with my life. The kind of story that would catch God's attention. The kind that would be recorded in the chronicles. That’s the kind of life I want to live. The kind that would be a great story to tell my kids. The kind of story that my wife would enjoy telling of the fifty years or more of living with me. The kind of story that would make me as a grandfather make sense among my grandkids in years to come. My story of becoming.

And as I write the story of my life, I dedicate it to my generation. To the people who are struggling to become better. To the people who believe in making this world a better place. A people who are not afraid to pursue personal development. A people who believe in finishing the course and keeping on the track, and maintaining faith. A people who rise up after falling. A people whose dreams do not die. Who believe in dying empty. Who believe in immortalizing their lives. That as they look at me, they get hope and inspiration, and an example.

I believe it's not where you have been that matters, neither is it where you are, nor what you are doing, but what you are BECOMING.

And so, this is my life story, the story of BECOMING.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

To the furthest

Life is like a sling shot
The furthest you stretch from
The furthest you are likely to go

Watokao mbali
Huenda furthest!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Aint Just a Hanger

You watch me as I gracefully glide through the run way
You admire the way the piece of art perfectly fits in my body
You wish you could the same way bring it out.
And as I turn, and sway, and pose
You applause and sarcastically clap
You think am just a piece of hanger

Aint just a hanger
But a package of beauty
Oozing from within to the outside.
And as I run through the run way
Let it run in your mind
Am not just a hanger

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Glass Roof

There is a glass roof in my house
I can see the furthest I wanna go
The sky aint even the limit
But I can’t even leave the ground
The furthest I have gone is just up the ceiling

I wanna fly way above
Break this glass roof
And peperuka up in the sky
And release my full potential

Friday, March 4, 2011

Are Broken or You are just Broke

I have noticed many people get very close to God when they are broke. They will consistently seek his face in prayer and in gathering and such stuff and you will think they are very broken christian. But once these guys get a breakthrough, first they forget it was from God and next they develop some air. That is bad manner.

But as Paul says, he has learnt to be content in much and in lack, because he knew what His God was. And I think that is the standard we need to have. To know who we are in God, and therefore, whether in lack or in plenty, It will not affect who we are in God or who he is in us.

You may be broken, but maybe you are just broke.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nothing to Give!

Today is one of those days I wish I had the power to mend the crack of dawn! But now that super glue can’t help I will just have to creatively let the day be a present. Every day I try to remind myself that today is a new day, a day the Lord has made for me to rejoice in it, but my feeble minds can’t smell the newness of the day and my back seems to carry the staleness of yesterday!

Today is one of those days that end great. Today I have nothing to give. So I open my heart to receive; the radiance of the sun to enrich my skin, the movement of the wind to blow my yesterday and the coating of the dust to remind me I am just human.

Today is one of those days, I go back in the evening and I thank God that He gave me an opportunity to live, yet I didn’t feel like it in the morning.

Today is one of those days, I just don’t know how it will go.

Heal me oh Lord

Heal me oh Lord
From my dark memories
That haunts my soul and heart
Heal me oh Lord
From the bitterness endowed in my system
That destroys my bones
Heal me oh Lord
From the inadequacies in my mind
That dwarfs my progress
Heal me oh Lord
From the tendencies of my pulse
To skip a beat while running into ruins
Heal me oh Lord
From my past experiences
That imprisons me
Heal me oh Lord
That I may live in freedom and wisdom
That all within me, deep waters
May spring out as a joyful fountain
To wet and soak my soul and mind
In the joy of a healthy living
Embracing the great future ahead

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I was a Stranger

In the rural area it is very easy to entertain strangers. You can easily step into a homestead and ask for a mug of water, and you will be given. However, in the urban centers, we hardly even talk to our next door neighbor leave alone a stranger. But I can’t blame the urban folk, they have reasons to be careful.

I was considering Matthew 25:43 which says; I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, as a basis for judgment when Christ will be back and I was challenged. When Jesus talks about a stranger, we more often than not think of a stranded someone in the estate who cannot find house number Y17, or an old man in town who is looking for Chester house and when we offer help, in our mind we always know we have let in a stranger. And as much as that is true I also discovered something else.

When we talk of a stranger, it is someone who does not share your value system. A stranger is someone who you would seek to disassociate because of their beliefs, their behaviors and their habits. And we have enough strangers in the world. But as believers what are we doing about them? Do we extend our love to such folk? Or we just look at them from a far and pity them? Or maybe just pray? But how will they know if we don’t talk to them? How will they know if we don’t reach out to them in love.

Jesus demonstrated the kind of open heart we should, yet we must guard not to be swallowed since bad company corrupts good morals. But we cannot keep safe by keeping away. We need to develop a capacity to interact with the strangers and influence them positively. When I look at Jesus, he was able to converse with a Samaritan woman who was a manizer, and she was never the same again. He would interact with a tax collector and influence them for the kingdom. That is the capacity I am talking about.

There are people who are lost and in going through different issues in life. We have prostitutes, thieves, homosexuals, witches, drunks and even murders, and I have met some who would love to come and join the kingdom, but they don’t know where to start. They are strangers looking to be let in, but what do we do? We judge them, we throw them out, even those who have been converted, we see them from their past, not for what they could become. And they keep feeling as strangers. And within no time, they just find they cannot fit in.

What manner of love is this, that even when we were sinners, Jesus loved us and died for us? That is the kind of love we need to have. To love the sinners and open our homes (lives) for them. And though we would wish they converted and left their ways, it may take more time than we think. So, let’s just plant the right seeds and God, who makes rain fall to both the righteous and the sinners, will water the seeds and in due time, our efforts will not be in vain.

Which stranger are you not letting in? Let us not be the lot who will be saying on judgment day, 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’   45 “He will reply, ‘truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’  46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Mat 25: 44-46  NIV

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Give Myself to You

This song by William McDowell I give myself away has been playing in my head over and over again. And the more I think what it means to give myself to God the more scaring it gets. I know my life is not my own and that I belong to God, but there is the tendency to want to hold on to myself. How do you lose all control and let God rule every aspect of your life? How do you accept that God want you the way you are, to create something beautiful out of you?

If you grew up in the rural area or you reared chicken, maybe you have seen a hen behaving helpless, especially when you have layers and you don’t have a cock. It gets to a time when you chase a hen, it gives itself so easily. And when you are chasing it especially if you want to slaughter it, you get offended when the hen gives an indication of wanting a cock, and you are not one.

And as I was thinking about giving myself to God, that is the picture that comes to mind. That there should be an innate need within me that just loses control and submits to God, getting to the point of being a slave of righteousness. But who wants to be a slave? I mean, having nothing of your own in a capitalistic society means you are nothing! But the encouraging thing is realizing that his burden is easy and his yoke is smooth, so we should delight in giving yourself away all in the name of pleasing the master..

We were discussing with some friends on the seed that fell on the thorny grounds from the parable of the sower. You realized the seed does not bear fruits because it is choked by the thorns. The interpretation of that word is a representation of those people who hear the word of God and the worries of this world choke that word.

And many of us are victims of worry. We worry too much, that even when God says I have good plans for you, worry cuts you off from the reality of that word. One of the things that really amazed me is when I realized worry is not just about tomorrow but about us. We worry because we don’t believe in our capability to become or achieve the things that we desire and the things that God wants accomplished. It’s like when God declares that you are a mighty warrior, and instead of embracing that word and running with it, you look at where you are and assume that word. We despise ourselves and worry that we can never be the mighty warrior as declared. That process in the mind of doubting ourselves mixed with fear and unbelief chokes the word of God bit by bit and over time, we do not achieve that which was intended. We miss our destiny and our inheritance.

You can never get to your destiny without pursuing it. You have to become by doing something that propels you forward. As the body of Christ, our destiny is to be transformed until we acquire the full nature of Christ. So, we must keep pursuing that. When we look at ourselves, we often cut ourselves off from some of the things that God declare not believing that indeed we are supposed to be the partakers. We are the ones.

We should allow the word of God to define us and to transform us until we become that which God declares in His word. We should mature up into knowing God and His nature and His power. When God created the earth and everything in it, He only took six days and when he looked at his creation he said it was good.

Now, God has taken more than six days to create us, I mean we are am still work in progress. This shows us how patient God is with us, and better still if in six days he made everything good, how much more glorious is He turning us to be having taken all this time?

Let us partner with God in what he is doing, let us pursue his word and his declarations. For we are all but just Work In Progress, and when He is done with us, it will be something beautiful, something heavenly, and something glorious. Give yourself to Him so that He can use you.