Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Do You See?

If there is one thing I have learnt is to create myself. Life is not about discovering yourself, life is about creating yourself. Who are you? and who do you want to be? We have been defined by many things, which is ok, but let me assure you, you won’t fit in most of these definitions. And since almost everyone is trying to fit us into one universal standard, the reality is, we can never be the same. Our sameness is that we are all unique. That is why it is important to create yourself, uniquely.

What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? The funny thing is we can never run away from who we are. We are kind stuck with ourselves. But there is hope, they say the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. So do something. Don’t just accept a life sentence from an unqualified judge. Protest, go on riot and demand haki yako. Start doing something about the person you want to be.

Lets flash forward your life to an hour before your death. What do you would want to be FEEL? That is assuming you will know you have an hour to go.

Last Saturday, someone challenged me to write my eulogy. And I took up her challenge and started writing it. And honestly, I would that in case I lost my breath, or I walk with God and be no more like Enoch, what I have written down won’t be edited, but rather, new stories to fill in what I would have missed will be said. Of people whose life were reformed and of lives that my light shone unto, of warmth that I brought and of love that I gave.

And I want to challenge you also. Write down your own eulogy. Write it the way you want it to be, the way your story should and will be. And then start living your story. Start creating the character in your story, the starring in this great movie. And always remember, the starring in the movies never dies, most often than not s/he has to overcome a challenge to get what he wants.

So, regardless of who you see every day you look in the mirror, challenge the main character to do something to make the story of your life flow. It is never too late to start all over. Remember the past cannot be edited, but you can choose to write a different story from now henceforth. Start creating the person you want to become and let your eulogy come to life.

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