Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Abundant Life

In our own processes, struggles, ups and down, remember to enjoy the process. Remember that everything that happens in your life, i mean everything, happens to serve you. You are the master.

I want to share on the thought of abundant life. Jesus said in John 10:10 that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life and have it in abundance.

What is abundant life?

Have you ever felt guilty that you are enjoying life? I have. There times that the blessing of God are so evident in my life and i am having a blast in God. But in those moments i start feeling like that is not right. I start feeling that things should not be so sweet and fun. That i should be struggling and that i should be having problems. Have you ever been there?

I have learnt that the enemy seeks to steal joy from us, to kill the state of abundant well being, to destroy the moments of blessing in our lives. And he does it through our thoughts and feelings of guilty. Trying to make you feel like being well in Christ should be reserved to people in heaven and not on earth. What a lie! But i thank God for the truth. The truth has set me free. I know that Christ has given me life and abundant life for that matter.

So, i seek to enjoy my day, my work, my struggles, my problems and i also rejoice in Christ when all is going on smoothly. When i have success with my clients, when i am rich, i am having a blast. I have learnt to accept the life that Christ have given me and yeah i am having an abundant life.

Do not live in a lie. Life in Christ is good. It's fun, it's easy. He is there with us. And remember, He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. So,

Lets have life and have it in abundance.

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